Graphics by Dreamwork Designs used for A Bouquet of Roses - Deeper and Deeper

A bouquet of roses is lovely and appealing,
It touches our senses--the emotion, the feeling.

Held by a beautiful bride beaming with happiness,
A bouquet of white roses stands for purity and loveliness.

Rose button for A Bouquet of Roses - Deeper and Deeper

We can learn so much of life's precious lessons
From the rose - its parable - its mission.

A bouquet of roses consists of a color variety
In it there is beauty, grace and harmony.

Divider for A Bouquet of Roses - Deeper and Deeper

People of all races - black, brown, yellow and white
Can they not live together in peace and not fight?

Despite the thorns that scratch, prick, and irritate
A bouquet of roses emit a fragrance we appreciate.

Life's sharpest thorns--disappointment, sorrow and pain
Help us grow in Christian grace - a spiritual life is attained.

Rose button for A Bouquet of Roses - Deeper and Deeper

Yes, there's definitely a deeper message
We can learn from the rose and its lush foliage.

That beauty can exist even among life's harsh thorns and barbs
and that the aroma of Christ's character
can be diffused through human garbs.

Divider for A Bouquet of Roses - Deeper and Deeper

The depths of Christ's love who left His Kingly Throne
Shone brightest as He bled from His thorny crown.

Jesus is the Rose of Sharon that blooms within the heart.
His beauty and His truth we are to impart.

Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004

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Related topic:  The Rose--Its Deeper Message

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