Graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit


BAR graphic used for The Gift of the Holy SpiritBAR graphic used for The Gift of the Holy SpiritBAR graphic used for The Gift of the Holy SpiritBAR graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Gifts are wonderful, we love them, don't we?
Sometimes we expect to receive them
On Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries
From family as well as from dear friends.

Star graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Did you know that one of the best gifts
Ever to be thought out by Infinite mind
Was the Gift of the Holy Spirit of God
For the blessing and uplifting of mankind?

Star graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

The fullness of this Gift came about
When Jesus left for His home in glory;
It was this promised blessing that empowered
His disciples to tell the blessed story.

Star graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Without this Gift salvation is impossible
For there would be no conviction of sin,
No heartfelt confession and repentance
Of the wrongs we inherited from Eden.

Star graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

There would be no growing in grace
and knowledge of our Saviour Jesus Christ
For the Holy Spirit is the Divine Teacher
Who imparts truths that lead to eternal life.

Star graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is our Comforter for there are
Peace and comfort in the truths from on high;
This Heavenly Teacher directs us to Christ
Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Star graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

In giving the Gift of the Holy Spirit
It was impossible for God to give more;
When faith takes hold of this precious Gift
Upon us rich and glorious blessings He will pour.

Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004

Star graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Related topic: The Heavenly Dove

BAR graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

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Star graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit Midi

BAR graphic used for The Gift of the Holy SpiritBAR graphic used for The Gift of the Holy SpiritBAR graphic used for The Gift of the Holy SpiritBAR graphic used for The Gift of the Holy Spirit