(My Family)

Daffodil icon for Not Now But in the Coming Years

Family, Faith, and Freedom--three facets in the many faceted diamond of life. Love in the family--how precious it is!  It is what holds and binds the family together no matter what the experiences might be.

Faith in God gives special meaning to life and makes it worth the living.  It gives strength and nobility of character, fosters courage and fortitude in the midst of difficulties and danger, and instills a longing and desire in the heart for the soon return of Jesus Christ.

For our family, freedom is two-fold.   First, we were freed from the tyranny of sin through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  His truth has set us free, and His law is the law of liberty.  Second, we were freed from oppression of man--during the Japanese invasion and occupation of the island of Guam, hardship and oppression were keenly felt and experienced, but through it all the Lord lavished us with His sustaining grace.

Daffodil icon for Not Now But in the Coming Years
My Mother -
Sweeter As the Years Go By
My Father -
The Church in the Wildwood
My Husband John -
What God Hath Promised
My Son Michael -
Do Lord
My Brother Daniel -
As the Deer Panteth
My Brother David -
The Lord's My Shepherd
Daffodil icon for Not Now But in the Coming Years
Daffodil icon for Not Now But in the Coming Years
Daffodil icon for Not Now But in the Coming Years
Daffodil icon for Not Now But in the Coming Years

Not Now, But In the Coming Years

Not now, but in the coming years,
It may be in the better land,
We'll read the meaning of our tears,
And there, sometime, we'll understand.

Then trust in God through all thy days;
Fear not, for He doth hold thy hand;
Though dark thy way, still sing and praise,
Sometime, sometime, we'll understand.

We'll catch the broken thread again,
And finish what we here began;
Heaven will the mysteries explain,
And then, ah, then we'll understand.

Daffodil icon for Not Now But in the Coming Years

We'll know why clouds instead of sun
Were over many a cherished plan;
Why song has ceased when scarce begun;
'Tis there, sometime, we'll understand.

Daffodil icon for Not Now But in the Coming Years

Why what we long for most of all,
Eludes so oft our eager hand;
Why hopes are crushed and castles fall,
Up there, sometime, we'll understand.

Daffodil icon for Not Now But in the Coming Years

God knows the way, He holds the key,
He guides us with unerring hand;
Sometime with tearless eyes we'll see;
Yes, there, up there, we'll understand.

--Maxwell N. Cornelius